Discontinuation of text forecasts
As mentioned earlier we are discontinuing some little used products from api.met.no, here is a complete list:
On February 1st we will remove the following products from the textforecast service:
the route_fbno products (these will still be available for professional users via NAIS which everybody seem to use anyway)
the landday/long, seabankday1 and metkyst products (which are used to generate more comprehensive forecasts)
the iga_fbno43, easter and miskred products (which haven't been produced for years)
We have checked the logs and all of these have little or no traffic, so we don't expect them to be missed. This is the full list of discontinued forecasts:
easter, landday0, landday1, landday2, iga_fbno43, landlong, metkyst0, metkyst1, miskred_north, miskred_south, route_fbno69, route_fbno70, route_fbno72, route_fbno74, route_fbno75, route_fbno76, route_fbno77, route_fbno78, route_fbno79, route_fbno80, seabankday1.
Also, on March 1st the textlocation service will be discontinued. We will also remove the "land" product from the textforecast service. There will be another forecast product to replace those two products, details of which are to follow later.
At the same time, the product "seaoslofjord" containing forecasts for Skagerrak and for the Norwegian coast from the Swedish border to Hordaland will be discontinued. Forecasts for Skagerrak can be found in the "seabank" product, while forecasts for the complete Norwegian coastline can be found in the "coast" product.
We will soon also remove the errornotifications service, which is no longer producing any data. This will be replaced by specific status messages for each product.
2018-12-21, Geir Aalberg