News Archive

Changes to Radar, Nowcast and other products


From Wednesday June 12th, the radar images will be produced every 5 mins.

New features

  • new product "aviationforecast", see below
  • new beta product "volcanicashforecast"
  • sunrise now returns moon position and phase for each day
  • routeforecast have several new routes
  • upperwindweather now has a status function showing image update and transmission errors (if any)


Spotwind 1.0 has been replaced by 1.1 which delivers data for 24 hours instead of 6. Version 1.0 will expire 2019-09-02.

ExtremesWWC is expected to be removed some time in the near future, to be replaced with a similar feature in our Frost API for observations. We will come back with further news when this is available.

Textforecast 1.6 has been deprecated, and the land and sea forecasts have been re-implemented in 2.0 with a new, cleaner XML format which can now be validated. The aviation forecasts have been moved to a new product "aviationforecast" but remains otherwise unchanged. Since the migration is now complete we will terminate version 1.6 on 2019-09-02.

2019-06-07, Geir Aalberg