THREDDS dataset archive landing page
General information
The THREDDS Data Server (TDS) is a web server that provides metadata and data access for scientific datasets, using OPeNDAP, OGC WMS and WCS, HTTP, and other remote data access protocols. is an archive service operated by MET Norway for publishing historical and current research data. All datasets can be downloaded in NetCDF format or extracted using the OPeNDAP protocol. Some datasets can also be visualized using the WMS protocol.
Examples of the datasets available include:
- Weather forecasts
- Climate Modelling
- Air Pollution forecasts
- Radioactivite fallout simulations
- Volcanic Ash drift models
- Observations
- Nordic Gridded Climate Dataset
- seNorge
- Remotesensing archive
- Lightning events
- Ocean and Ice observations and forecasts
- Satellite images
MET Norway Numerical Weather Prediction products
These are the models operated by MET Norway for our forecasting services (locationforecast, nowcast and so on). Note that the long-term and global forecasts are produced by ECMWF and not available for download due to licensing terms.
The NWP datasets can be found in the Weather forecasts folder on
Documentation for the various models can be found on the Numerical Weather Prediction wiki.
For a general overview of the different simulation models used in our forecasts, please see the respective data model documentation page:
More information:
- The MetCoOp Ensemble Prediction System (MEPS) - PDF
- Changes from MEPS to CMEPS, Feb 2020
- The AROME-Arctic weather model
- Old forecasts - PDF
- MET AROME Norway
- MET AROME-Arctic_Svalbard
Accessing data from THREDDS
A short summary on how to access datasets with a selection of tools can be found at
For more information, see the section "Data Access" on the Numerical Weather Prediction wiki
Support and questions is a separate service from Please do not use the weatherapi-adm email for questions regarding THREDDS or what kind of data are available, instead send all enquieries to
2021-03-23, Geir Aalberg