

Geosatellite - Images from geostationary satellites


Returns an image captured by a geostationary satellite. Image is returned for a specified area and specified time. If no time is given, the latest available image will be returned.


The data are considered free and unrestricted, according to section 4 of the EUMETSAT Data Policy which states that:


EUMETSAT shall make its Hourly Meteosat Data, all Derived Products and Advance Image Products available to all users world-wide on a free and unrestricted basis, regardless of when and how these are made available to the user, as "Essential" Data and Products in accordance with WMO Resolution 40 (Cg-XII).



All parameters are optional


Area covered by the satellite image, defaults to "europe". This can also be specified in the URL endpoint

Values: africa, atlantic_ocean, europe, global, mediterranean


Type of light spectrum captured in the image. Default is "infrared"

Values: infrared, visible


The time the image was captured. If parameter is omitted, the latest available image will be returned.

Format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:00Z (UTC).

This parameter is only allowed for static images


Size of image. All images except global and atlantic_ocean have a thumbnail-size image (174x174px) in addition to the full size image. If parameter is omitted, normal is chosen.

Values: normal, small

This parameter is only allowed for static images

Example requests


Generate a list of static images, optionally filtered by area, type and/or size. As the full list has over 2000 entries it is very large and slow to generate. We suggest using filter parameters and splitting the list into several downloads to avoid timeouts.

The list only includes PNG files, not video files.

Example requests

Change Log

Added video files for Europe, 2021-02-18

Europe area animations in MP4 and WebM formats have been added. URL format has been made more flexible, using area and format as endpoint.

Usage restrictions lifted, 2020-10-01

After several revisions of the data policies we have finally confirmed that the satellite images can be freely distributed and available to all API users under the normal CC-BY 4.0 conditions.

Satellite images no longer avaiable to public, 2018-06-29

Due to licensing issues and problems with authentication, dellivery of all non-restricted products is temporarily suspended.
Please follow our mailing list for further announcements.

Extend lifetime of version 1.3, 2016-06-01

Lifetime of version 1.3 of geosatellite will be extended to 2016-08-23.

Version 1.4, 2016-02-02

New version, width and height are removed, replaced with size
areas america, gulf_of_mexico, spain and east_mediterranean are removed
Version 1.3 is available until 2016-06-06

Version 1.3, 2008-05-28

height and width as required parameters.
parameter size has been removed.
Version 1.2 will expire 2008-07-10.

Version 1.2, 2008-04-22

New version, 1.2, available
New geosatellite images.
Remove parameter satellite.
Added parameter area.
Version 1.1 will be available up to and including 2008-06-30.
