Interface documentation

This is version 3 of the MET Weather API. For additional information, please read our Getting Started tutorial, Usage guide, Terms of Service and F.A.Q.

Available products:

This list is also available in DCAT-AP-NO 2.0 (beta), APIs.json, JSON and XML machine readable formats.

Product Healthz
Airqualityforecast 0.1
Forecast of air-quality for locations in Norway
status for Airqualityforecast
Aviationforecast 1.6
Textual aviation weather forecasts
status for Aviationforecast
FMIroutes 0.1
Vertical cross sections for air ambulance flight routes - Finnish test product
status for FMIroutes
🌐 Frost 0.9 🌡
REST API for meteorogical observation data
🌐 Geosatellite 1.4 🛰
Images from geostationary satellites
status for Geosatellite
Gribfiles 1.1
Serve grib files on the coast from Oslo and Western Norway
Icemap 1.0
Maps as images showing current ice conditions in the arctic regions.
status for Icemap
IsobaricGRIB 1.0
GRIB files for air traffic
status for IsobaricGRIB
🌐 Locationforecast 2.0
Weather forecast for a specified place
status for Locationforecast
MetAlerts 2.0
Weather alerts from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute
status for MetAlerts
Metgc 1.0 (1.1)
Deliver meteorological forecast data in METGM/C format for defined areas
status for Metgc
Metgm 1.0 (1.1)
Deliver meteorological forecast data in METGM/C format for defined areas
status for Metgm
NLAroutes 1.0
Vertical cross sections for air ambulance flight routes
status for NLAroutes
Nowcast 2.0
Immediate weather forecast for specified locations in the Nordic area
status for Nowcast
Oceanforecast 2.0
Ocean forecasts for points at sea in Northwestern Europe
status for Oceanforecast
Offshoremaps 1.0
Lightning and wave maps for offshore helicopter pilots
status for Offshoremaps
Oslofjord 0.1
Current maps for Oslofjorden and Drammensfjorden
status for Oslofjord
Polarsatellite 1.1 🛰
Images from satellites in polar orbit
status for Polarsatellite
Radar 2.0 🛰
Radar images from various locations
status for Radar
Routeforecast 2.0
Vertical cross sections for flight routes offshore and over land
status for Routeforecast
Sigcharts 2.0
Significant Weather Charts for aviation
status for Sigcharts
Sigmets 2.0
Get sigmets and airmets for Norway
status for Sigmets
Soundprofile 1.0
Vertical profiles in the ocean off the Norwegian coast
status for Soundprofile
Spotwind 1.1
Spotwind forecasts for airport landing systems
status for Spotwind
Subjectiveforecast 1.0
Forecasts and analyses charts from the meteorologist
status for Subjectiveforecast
Subseasonal 1.0
Long term weather forecast for specified locations in the Nordic area
status for Subseasonal
🌐 Sunrise 3.0
Calculate sun or moon events, as seen from a specific location on Earth
status for Sunrise
THREDDS 1.0 🌡🛰
Dataset archive including model runs and observation timeseries
🌐 Tafmetar 1.0
Receive Taf/Metar from airports
status for Tafmetar
Textforecast 2.0 (3.0)
Textual weather forecast for Norwegian land and sea areas
status for Textforecast
Tidalwater 1.1
Tidal water information
status for Tidalwater
Turbulence 2.0
Turbulence prognosis charts
status for Turbulence
Volcanicashforecast 0.1
Norwegian national volcanic ash products including forecast
status for Volcanicashforecast
🌐 Weathericons
Collection of weather icons on GitHub
Normal This product is in regular production. Changes will be announced in the mailing list.
Beta This product may change without further notice, and/or service may be interrupted. Production use is not recommended without further agreement.
Deprecated This product will be discontined soon. Please check documentation and update your systems.
External Separate service outside WeatherAPI. May have different TOS and license.
Please do not use the WeatherAPI contact email for these, instead check the contact email on the product landing page or use for any enquieries.


See the documentation for product versioning. We also recommend reading the section about error handling.

Errors and return values

Sometimes things don't go as planned. The API will return a (hopefully) explanatory message, formatted as HTML (if using a browser or sending an Accept: text/html request header), otherwise as plain text.

For more information, see the HTTP status codes documentation. In addition you can also check the HTTP status code and the X-ErrorClass response header when using an automated client.

ErrorClass header

In addition to the HTTP Status Code the API also returns an X-ErrorClass response header which might explain further the cause of the error. The following codes are currently used:

ErrorClass Status Code Description
Accesscontrol 401 Unauthorized Access control error
Doesnotapply 400 Bad Request Requested operation does not apply
Encoding 400 Bad Request Character set encoding error
ErrorFromBackend 502 Bad Gateway Backend error
Format 400 Bad Request Invalid formatting
IllegalUserAgent 403 Forbidden Please use a unique, identifying User-Agent header
Internal 500 Internal Server Error Something inside me broke
Nodata 404 Not Found We have no data for this request
Outsidegeographicarea 422 Unprocessable Entity The location is outside the geographic area supported by the product.
Outsidetimerange 404 Not Found I have no data for the requested date/time
Parameter 400 Bad Request Invalid parameter
Permissiondenied 401 Unauthorized Permission denied
Ratelimitation 429 Too Many Requests Traffic rate limitation
ServiceUnavailable 503 Service Unavailable Server error
Unexpectedmissingdata 502 Bad Gateway I cannot find my data
Validation 404 Not Found Validation error

This list is non-exhaustive, additional codes can be added over time (normally implemented in future versions).